ART.DESIGN [...] Daniele's sculpture is a tangle of feeling expressed with a plastic language, it reminds us of life and, just as the light in its tubular, covering form remains trapped and escapes only through flashes of momentary freedom, so also is the empathetic virtuosity certainly regenerative of daily life! Those weak, or fine, filterings of light are the desire for a new life, they represent an advanced stage of research, an awareness of existing! [...] (Antonio D'Amico)
PAINTING Those figures... with their fleeting, contemplative, imperceptible glances, wrapped consciously and deliberately in silent solitude, now rise up proudly on the canvas or the paper and, motionlessly (or so it seems) observe, await and keep check on those who stop look at them. They get into transitory dialogue whit the spectator: vibrant, sudden, unexpected, depositaries of unmentionable truths, becoming the keepers of unimaginable secrets which will live from now on in the caverns of an evanescent memory. [...] (Antonio D'Amico)