SCULPTURE [...] And again today in his "sculpture of light", the morphological hinges that pulsate at the root, vibrating with introspective harmony, defining a path with which to pursue the light, infiltrated through crack of porosity in the surface! [...] (Antonio D'Amico)
PAINTING [...] His views are those taken from dreams, which he reverses onto the pictorial base so that they can be shared by the community, allowing each individual to identify in them a gleam of their own recollections and thoughts, theri own desires and their own obsession. [...] (Antonio D'Amico)
PAINTING I consider the angelic figure is not a figure tied to religion, but tied to man. The man who, in the path of his life, lives different emotional situations: so a day is in full spirituality in a contact with the divine, and the next day is in the more fierce carnality, in a continual seesaw. So come to life these angelic forms almost abstract where these vortices interiors, this full-bodied brushstrokes and at the same time this evanescent brushstrokes, are to define a figure that appears before the eyes of the viewer, not as man, but not as an angel, not as a complete angel, not as a complete man, in this sort of becoming... (Daniele Cazzato)
PAINTING [...]It's the wonder of nature and the infinite variety of its elements that Daniel search to reawaken the magic of visual noise evanescent . His is the attempt to perpetuate chromatically moment after the passage of birds, between a branch and the other, between a tree and the other: the transition from one bank to the other, to paraphrase the seasons of life. [...] (Antonio D'Amico)